Financial Agility & Agile FinOps
Financial Agility
The use of CapEx and OpEx in organisations has over years become a major impediment to financial and working flexibility. It has created a work environment where it is simpler to let the finances define how work is structured, however with the evolution of work orchestration software CapEx and OpEx can be relegated to data points for automated reporting.
Like Lean Portfolio Management, Financial Agility is based upon how vision, strategy and execution are joined together however it is different because its focus is the direct connection with return on investment (ROI) and value for money (VFM). Financial Agility operates at a Macro level in order to dramatically reduce overheads and impediments to the flow and delivery of work.
Agile FinOps
To calculate strategic budgets for Customer Journey Groups a review of all the work done covered by those organizational constructs for a 5-10 year (whatever period is decided for the whole organisation with 5 years being the minimum to support strategic activitites) period needs to be done. Additionally unplanned work (critical issues) and regulatory compliance are added separately to ensure they don't skew the normal run and change financial data. Those combined figures provide a lump sum (CapEx and OpEx) that is given to the Customer Journey Groups for the 5-10 year period.
The measuring of return on investment (ROI) and value for money (VFM) is continual and in real time through the work orchestration tool since both delivered and not delivered work both have costs. The missing link of impact is maintained past delivery within the work orchestration tool through Operational Agility in a chain of custody for the full lifecycle (insight to outcome) of the delivered work. This lifecycle supports continued optimization and dramatically reduces risk.
Work Agility & Delivery Orchestration
Work Agility
Establishing Work Agility requires a number of factors the critical one being the Insight that Created the Work, the Expected Outcome, the Current Status of Work, the Risks and Opportunities of that work and the Impact of the Work. These key data points ensure that waste is dramatically reduced on work that has no predefined Outcome.
Delivery Orchestration
Work Orchestration software now bridges the gap between Business, Technical Strategy, Solution and Delivery work by maintaining a chain of custody from Insight to Outcome and beyond into the full lifecycle of the work done. It creates a knowledge base for all work insights (rationale) stopped, on hold, done, delivering outcomes, optimization and end of life (EOL). Further it has the capability to embed other software including tools like Jenkins or send data via API's so it remains the Golden Source of all work in the organisation.
Organizational Agility & Customer Journeys
Organizational Agility
Is focused on defining the core work delivery structure of organizations. Many organisations group same and similar skills in departments that create a separation from other skills. However for an organization to be Agile it needs to have the flexibility to rapidly change, adapt and respond to the Customer, Business and Technical North Star. Further this flexibility needs to be underwritten by a new Human Resources data structure with the primary key being the individual not career profiles, single skills or work types. The Customer Agility Framework is based upon a Customer (user) Group and Customer (user) Journey Organizational Design. This focus on Insights to Outcomes dramatically increases the impact of change and will ensure rapid ROI and VFM for work done.
Customer Journeys
A customer journey refers to the path of interactions an individual has with your brand, product and/or services. It describes the steps that a user takes in a process to accomplish a goal. Examples of a Customer Journey would be As a Customer I can make a Purchase, the product or service is irrelevant to the Journey only the goal of purchasing.
Journey (Business and Technical) Mediator
The mediation of meaning and intent is still best provided by a human. At some point however this human role will be replaced by Work Orchestration patterns, however initially it is essential to ensure that Customer Journey Groups have an advocate who ensures a parity of priority between the Customer, Business and Technical North Star and notes deviation and emergent opportunities.
This activity replaces Product Management (or Ownership) since Management (often a blocker and always a reduction in velocity) is not an Agile behaviour.
Production Operational Agility and Delivery OKRs
Adopts the Objectives and Key Results indicated in the Customer, Business and Technical North Star as data attributes in a Multidimensional Content Object within Work Orchestration to ensure that modifications, delays and non delivery impact is understood in a holistic and dependency mapped way. Additionally it has the capacity to attribute them to Deliverables since the worker here understand the complexity and dependencies.
Machine learning
Machine learning is an umbrella term for solving problems for which development of algorithms by human programmers would be cost-prohibitive, and instead the problems are solved by helping machines "discover" their "own" algorithms, without needing to be explicitly told what to do by any human-developed algorithms. Wikipedia
Neural Network
Neural Networks are a branch of machine learning models that are built using principles of neuronal organization discovered by connectionism in the biological neural networks constituting animal brains. Wikipedia
Natural language processing
Natural language processing is an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science and linguistics. It is primarily concerned with giving computers the ability to support and manipulate speech. Wikipedia
Deep learning
Deep learning is part of a broader family of machine learning methods, which is based on artificial neural networks with representation learning. The adjective "deep" in deep learning refers to the use of multiple layers in the network. Methods used can be either supervised, semi-supervised or unsupervised. Wikipedia
Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy logic is an approach to variable processing that allows for multiple possible truth values to be processed through the same variable. Fuzzy logic attempts to solve problems with an open, imprecise spectrum of data and heuristics that makes it possible to obtain an array of accurate conclusions.
Expert system
In artificial intelligence, an expert system is a computer system emulating the decision-making ability of a human expert. Expert systems are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning through bodies of knowledge, represented mainly as if–then rules rather than through conventional procedural code. Wikipedia
CSAT - Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing to evaluate customer experience. It is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Wikipedia
NPS - Net promoter score is a market research metric that is based on a single survey question asking respondents to rate the likelihood that they would recommend a company, product, or a service to a friend or colleague. Wikipedia
Environmental, social, and corporate governance, also known as environmental, social, and governance, is a set of aspects considered when investing in companies, that recommends taking environmental issues, social issues and corporate governance issues into account. Wikipedia
Principles for Responsible Investment is a United Nations-supported international network of financial institutions working together to implement its six aspirational principles, often referenced as "the Principles". Wikipedia
Market sentiment and Analyst Community
Market sentiment, also known as investor attention, is the general prevailing attitude of investors as to anticipated price development in a market. Wikipedia
Analyst Community brings together a vast array of economic and activity information to make an assessment of organisational and board effectiveness to advise investors on the suitability on an investment based upon performance and future initiatives.
A shareholder of corporate stock refers to an individual or legal entity that is registered by the corporation as the legal owner of shares of the share capital of a public or private corporation. Shareholders may be referred to as members of a corporation. Wikipedia
User Experience Research
User Experience Research is a scientific research field which aims at improving the user experience (UX) of products, services, or processes by incorporating quantitative (what) and qualitative (why) research methods to guide the customer North Star requirements, design, development, and refinement of a product.
It is fundamentally different from market research and business analysis in both ensuring audience specific demographics, customer needs, contextual usability, accessibility and the elimination of personal bias.
Customer & Data Orchestration
Work Orchestration software now bridges the gap between Business, Technical Strategy, Solution and Delivery work by maintaining a chain of custody from Insight to Outcome and beyond into the full lifecycle of the work done. It does this though being highly adaptable to what is needed in each enterprise or organisation and allows the embedding of other software, command scripts and mapping of non digital human processes. It is capable of providing end to end reporting of all work that is run through it in realtime.